MuslimARC's Anti-Racism Guide for White Muslims

The Muslim Anti-Racism Collaborative’s new resource, the Anti-Racism Guide for White Muslims, was written for and by white Muslims. The 16-page Guide provides practical examples for working to address racism in the Muslim community and in the broader society, tailored specifically to White Muslims.



As people who are both white and Muslim, we straddle two identities -one privileged in society and the other, not. We experience Islamophobia to varying degrees, sometimes more overtly depending on how we physically present, and at the same time we have been socialized as white people in a society where white people hold more social power than People of Color (POC). The focus of the toolkit is to provide resources and information that will help guide us toward good practices and behaviors, and away from harmful ones, as we challenge racism within the Muslim community (ummah) and in society at large.


Key content includes:

  • What is our role in addressing racism in the Muslim community?
  • Approaches to racism that, in fact, unintentionally perpetuate it
  • Practical examples of being actively anti-racist
  • A list of resources, including trainings and articles on white Muslims, allyship, understanding racism, and anti-racist parenting

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